New York New York (Pt. 1 of 4)
I was really excited about this trip. I'm not a big traveler, I'm such a home body. I am, however, married to the traveling man...he loves it. We had a discussion and came up with compromises before we got married. But this trip. This trip, even I was excited to go. One of my friend from college days (go BC) is from New York and proposed to his girlfriend of nine years. He set his wedding date for my birthday!!! At first I thought it was sweet, then I realized he was trying to steal my thunder. Nah, it was wonderful. Work was getting crazy so Scott and I were excited to fly 5,000 miles to the northeast. We spent a few days in New York for the wedding and then spent a few days in Boston.
We stayed a few days at my friend's place in Queens. I'd been to NYC a few times while in college and Scott just went for the first time last year. So there wasn't much I hadn't seen. When asked what I wanted to do, the only thing I said was "I want to find Cake Boss!!!" Cake Boss is a TLC show centered around a real bakery "Carlos' Bakery" and it's owner, Buddy. The bakery is run by an Italian family and the show is hilarious. They thought I was kidding but I insisted on googling the location of the bakery (Hoboken, New Jersey) and directions on how to take the train there.
So, our friends drove us from Queens into Manhattan.
Which meant we had to drive over the 59th street Bridge which instantly caused Scott to break out into a song "Feeling Groovy." Too bad, no one in the car had any clue what he was singing.
They dropped us off near Central Park, which I will have to say was my first time there. It's pretty huge...and I'm a country girl so I loved it. There were saxophone players and ballon animal artists every twenty feet.
The architecture and neighborhoods are so different in the mainland. I loved it. Scott is such a patient and understanding I made him pose over and over again so I could get my photography kicks out.
We really had no clue where we were walking but we did find ourselves at the Museum of Natural History. Also someplace I've never been. It was pretty cool. I have to admit that I kind of went out of curiousity to see how similar it was to movie "Night in the Museum." I have to say that the answer is "minimal." The exhibit displays are amazing though. Epic. We took the subway and then changed over to the PATH train which took us to Hoboken, New Jersey. It was a super short walk and we found ourselves at ... CAKE BOSS!!! And Buddy is awesome!!! He stood outside and talked to everyone who came up...he volunteered for pictures. He was in the middle of signing autographs when they were calling him from inside the bakery and made sure to finish up with everyone on the sidewalk. He was amazingly friendly and awesome!!! It's a gunner for the highlight of my trip.
Then we wandered back to the train station and I saw this cool train station waiting room.